Sunday, June 5, 2005

Fix Time

06-05-05 5:14pm

A moment of intimacy
filled with mindless drifting
of another besides the intimate
And waves of guilt
overcome to hate the
situation of a mind wander.

A dance of confusion
mangled frustration in two
a ball of nothingness
No regard for the other
thinking of another to suffice
this bubbling feeling of stuck

Closeness that isn't wanted
asked for separations for needs
away from the two for time
Needed won't get the time
to mend what's been broken
for and since the start of time

Time to think and get
away from this four person
tangle tango two unknown to
the other but known to
each his own for reasons
of sanity and making it work

Constant forgotten within the
days and the time of a failed
attempt to bind to one another
Forgotten love remembered hate
arguments about nothing forgotten
and everything never remembered

Remember us no I don't either
Neither can we see what
we had don't have wont ever
Have I been clear to you to me
I think no yes I want to never
be that person you want me to be

Lucky we were in discovery
Not of us, but our counterparts
our thought streams gone
from our closeness and towards
our unfortunate luck of the drawl
and to those who know

You don't know I don't know
We don't know, but it will be
figured out in time, time gone
Away along the forgotten highway
of unintentional feelings, presummed
emotions and no communication

why can we not seem to fix what
isn't broken but must be fixed
he's in my mind she's in your head
but we don't mention that it's in
the eyes again the smile I can see it
see me I can't see you me see it

So for now we have mind wanders
heart wanders and prefer not to
discuss it or why its happened

what's happened why the other people
why the thoughts why the wanders
unknown til we know where we went wrong...